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Losing Leah by Shay Sharpe

It breaks my heart to type this, but last night at 11:47pm, Leah Wrensted, age 25, peacefully passed away from complications of breast cancer.

(Diagnosed with breast cancer at age 18 & passed away at age 25!! YOUNG WOMEN CAN AND DO GET BREAST CANCER!)

Unfortunately, Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes, nor our friends were able to put Leah in contact with Betty White before she passed away. Nothing hurts more than not being able to grant what seems like a simple wish. I called in all of my favors and I want to believe that our supporters did as well and to no avail.  Sigh…

Rest easy baby girl! PLEASE keep Leah’s husband, family and friends in your heart and prayers.

Thank you. ~ Madame President


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